Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

relatio partitionis corporeae

Official Latin term relatio partitionis corporeae
Official subsidiary term material partonomic relation
Unit identifier TAH:U11385
Unit type taxonomic
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit relatio partitionis corporeae
Links of entity taxonomic: relatio partitionis corporeae
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links PubMed
Taxonomic links Level 2: relatio anatomica Short Extended
Level 3: relatio partitionis corporeae
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition A material partonomic relation is a partonomic relation [relatio partitionis] which specifies a partition to a material entity.

The material partonomic relation.

Material partonomic relations are those relations which create material entities: the part or child is necessarily a material entity. Because material entities can be produced exclusively from other material entities, the father entity is also always a material entity.

The material partonomic relations are of four different types: singular, set, pair and pair set. This is depending on the type of the child part.

Not all possible material partonomic relations are necessarily present. Only those relations occuring within TAH are presented.

Date: 21.02.2024